Aug 7, 2008

The Hardest Challenge a Mom Will Face

When you bring your little bundle of joy home from the hospital, you think of all the wonderful things ahead. Their first words, their first steps, and their first day of school. All these major accomplishments and you get to teach it all to them. Now the first two are the easiest. To teach them to talk, you simply talk to them. To teach them to walk, you show them how it's done. Preparing them for their first day of school is easy and fun as well. Who among us hasn't sung the alphabet song and 1, 2, buckle my shoe about a hundred times a day.

What no one tells you, is that somewhere between the first steps and the first day of school comes the hardest lesson of all to teach your sweet child - How to use the potty.

Now, no matter how many books you read, training guides you buy, or advice you get you will not be prepared for this. Even when we tell ourselves that we know this will not be done overnight, we still think that our child is going to be a child prodigy. We are going to sit them down on that potty and they're going to just know what to do, when to do it, and no more diapers ever.


What you are most likely to have on your hands is a child who is confused as to why on earth you want them to stop playing to go sit on a potty to pee/poop when they've got a perfectly good diaper for that without even having to get up. Are you crazy!!

So what do you do to get them through this milestone? The truth is, I don't know. I don't think anyone has the right answer. Everyone gives advice about what worked for them and their kids. No one is right, no one is wrong, and no one's child is exactly the same.

That said I can tell you a couple of things that are working for us. First off, In my opinion pull ups are a waste of money. They're too much like a diaper and even the cool alert didn't phase my son a bit. We started using cloth training pants and taking him to the potty every 15-30 minutes depending on when the last time was that he had peed. That has worked ok, but we're still lucky if he pees in the potty more than twice a day. Yesterday was a miracle when he went 4 times and stayed dry for 8 hours or so. They will go back and forth between using the potty and not using it as my son has gone through 4 pairs of training pants so far today.

What I plan to try now to help him learn this whole potty thing easier(and quicker hopefully) is the 3 day potty training method. You can learn more about it here. We are planning to get everything we need over the weekend and start on Monday. Provided we are able start( My son has a cold so we may postpone for a couple of days), I will post our progress each day. I will be your guinea pig and test out the method in this e-book by Lora Jenson.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck! I've done it with 4 kiddos, and they've all managed pretty well. The funny thing is, I've been working on a page with tips that I've learned from our experiences!! LOL - I'll let you know when I finish it.

Anonymous said...

I didn't have to much problems with my daughter, but my grand son OH my. it took my daughter until he was 5-6 y/o before he stopped. We were getting worried about it. Then just one day it just stopped. He quit going in bed at night. Talk about a happy family.