Nov 28, 2007

Toy Recalls Scaring You Away From the Toy Isle?

I don't blame you a bit if they are. It seems like every time you turn on the news or check out Internet news, there's another recall on toys. Everything from choking hazards to lead paint, it makes you wonder what these toy manufacturing companies are thinking! If you're making a product for a child, why on earth would you not consider such major safety issues?
If you think about it, we all know the answer to that question - MONEY. Let's turn a blind eye to the fact that these toy might not be getting properly tested as long as it saves money. It's truly ridiculous. Personally, even if buying toys mad solely in the USA meant paying more for them, I'd gladly pay the extra money to ensure my child's safety. I think we just need to boycott products made in these countries to show them how we feel. Maybe if they take a hit in their wallets, they'll decide to pay more attention to safety.
If you're worried about gifts you've bought or are planning to buy, or if you'd like some tips on shopping for safe gifts go to the CPSC website. You'll find recall and safety information, a place to report an unsafe product, plus lots more. The information on this site stays current. Shop Safe!

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