Sep 20, 2008

Scrappin' Away the Days

So I know I haven’t really been writing much lately, but here’s why. I’ve been rediscovering how much I love, love, love this little program called Paint Shop Pro. I have the X2 version and it’s so much fun to play with. I’ve had this project in mind to do a digital scrapbook of my son’s first year and after several days of setting out one or more layouts a day, I am nearly done. YAY! I should get done just in time for Christmas. So to any of my family that reads my blog – the cat’s out of the bag! You know what you’re getting. :)

To get some inspiration, I joined a couple of digital scrap booking groups on Café Mom. I’ve mentioned CM before. It’s an amazing group where moms can get together to discuss anything and everything. You should check it out.

So one of the digi scrap groups I joined does layout challenges. They pick a theme and you make a scrapbook page using that theme and then submit it to be voted on. I’ve had a lot of doing participating already and I’ve only entered 3 challenges so far. The deadline for the ones I’ve entered isn’t up yet so they haven’t been voted on, but there are definitely some good scrappers in this group.

The one I just submitted a layout for is a Halloween layout. This one was really fun for me because I have always loved Halloween and now I have even more reason to love it because my son was born on Halloween. J Anyhow, for the challenge we were told to make an empty layout (so we could add the pictures in later) using a great Halloween kit from Bluedreams Designs that you can find here. This is the layout I made. What do you think?

Do any of you do digital scrap booking? Had fun entering contests or challenges? Share your stories with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun!! I love seeing the creativity of different layouts, I'm working on some pages now with embedded video.