Jun 23, 2008

This Guy is Crazy!

Not in his theory of growing technology causing us to change the way we
think and read, that is true. But, I think that not sitting still to
read books for hours has more to do with age and the fact that as we
get older there are so many other things that need to be done - things
that are more important than reading a novel. For example, everyday
chores - cooking, cleaning, etc. and spending time with loved ones. True,
I don't read books anywhere near the way I used to. 10 yrs ago, if I
liked the plot, I could read a book in a day - depending on length.
Now, it's been months since I've sat down to read anything more than a
2-4 page magazine article and even, then the book was left unfinished.
My attention span has shortened dramatically as I've gotten older. Not
because of technology, but because of life and a flat out lack of
desire to sit and read a book all the way through.

The reason I think this guy is crazy is because of this : If he gets
bored reading books or lengthy articles and he knows the rest
of us feel the same way, then why didn't he write a shorter article?!

If you can sit still long enough, and would like to read the full article click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a gift,..exellent observation to pick-up on this "nurd" that has nothing to do all day but set infront of his computer and type what comes to mind.He wouldn't know what to do if he had to organize a household or ceep a family organized.(by the way it is a long artical HA!)